Friday, July 14, 2017

I Wish You More– Funny Kid Friday

I am just whipping out a little 

because everyone needs a little grin.

And because I'm doing a Teacher Book Talk series this summer, a bonus review comes with this tale.

Actually, this isn't my funny kid tale, but my friend's, who happens to be our school librarian. The last day of school, which was also her last day of school EVER because she retired... sniff... she read this book at our school assembly.

I Wish You More
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld

This is the most adorable book. I hadn't heard of it so I was happy this was her choice. In this book the little guy wishes the reader more such-and-such than such and such. For example, more ups than downs, more give than take, more we than me... you get the idea. It would make a good opposites, compare and contrast book. The illustrations are darling, too.

Well, my friend told me afterwards that she had a funny kid story to go with this book... we giggle together over funny kid stories a lot. She said that one day she was sharing the book with a group of kindergartners. She read, "I wish you more hugs than ughs" and she paused a moment before turning the page, as all good storytellers do. In that pause one little person said, "I have those shoes."

It took her just a minute... then she smiled and said, "Ah. That's right. Uggs are shoes, too."

I cracked up. You never know the text-to-self connections kids are going to make.

I hope you have a GREAT weekend. I also hope you'll stop on back here, especially on Tuesday for our Teacher Book Talk. It's a good way to find books for kids, books for teachers, books of all kinds for everyone.

AND I have a little secret... shhh... it's the first time I've shared it on the blog... I'm going to be giving away BOOKS.


THREE books! All from Flashlight Press. If you don't know Flashlight Press books be sure to click here on  Flashlight Press  to find the book reviews I've done for them. They are FANTASTIC books. I love the titles they choose to publish. More details are coming up about the giveaways on Tuesday.

And bloggers, if you'd like to join in on the book giveaway, then link up to share a review next week and I'll send you details.

Click on the button below to find more Teacher Book Talk Reviews.

Wow... between funny kid tales, book reviews, book giveaways, and my classroom design series, there is a lot happening on this little old blog this summer. Fun stuff on Instagram, too! Whoot! See you next time!

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