Monday, July 17, 2017

Catch Up and a Trailer

Between the By Design series and the Teacher Book Talk Tuesday series on the blog this summer, I'm keeping plenty busy.. maybe TOO busy. Snort. It is a summer frenzy that will come to a screeching halt once the school year starts swinging, though. Such is life.

So here's what I want to show you and tell you about this month, in case you missed a post. Loyal followers, if you already know about #1, #2, and #3, never fear– there is a brand new fun little something in the second half of #4. hee

I made a Classroom Tour video and opened a new YouTube channel. You can read about and see the video by clicking on the next icon.

I consolidated all my Classroom Design posts into one post. It is going to be a page on my blog later. You can see it by clicking on the next icon.

I refreshed my Back-to-School linky page which has posts about the start of school, including several freebies! Find it by clicking on the next icon.

I gotta say that image up there is one of my favorite buttons. Those are my own two daughters on their first day attending OUR new school. All three of us transferred to a school that was being reopened. The photo was taken by Jonathan, my DH, their dad, and the flowers were on their way to me. They are grown now and no longer living at home but on the other side of the state and the other side of the country...  silly me, getting misty eyed. sniff.

And WAIT! Two more news bites: 

I've got stuff to give away! Three different contests. Three different books and Amazon gift cards are going to three lucky winners. Keep your eye on the Teacher Book Talk Tuesday posts.

And, especially for you who have read all the way down the screen, here is a little trailer for a video I'm working on... stop that chuckling. I really am not going into video production. This one just sort of fell into my lap... or rather jumped onto my shoulder... snort. The video will be for kids when it's done. It will be short, and can be used when teaching about text-to-self connections, backyard birds, Carolina wrens, or even a Mo Willems' book... not saying which one... Click to see a 21 second raw snippet.

All for now! Thanks to Stephanie at Forever in Fifth Grade for today's linky. Click on back to see what else is going on.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow! You have been very busy! I will have to spend some time checking out your new videos as i have been getting into videos myself! :) And I just love that picture of your children that remind me of mine. Now I'm getting misty-eyed...

    1. Aw... sometimes we moms are such softees :) Hope you like the videos... I actually got the one for kids just about done today! I will post next week, I think. See ya later. Kathleen

  2. I'll have to check out your Teacher Book Talk. I love your animated gif!

  3. I enjoyed your classroom tour. You have put all the room to good use. I am extremely jealous of the restroom and sink in your classroom. Our school does not have this...we don't even have a staff restroom (Gasp!).

    1. Yes, it would be HARD not to have a restroom or sink in your room, especially with the younger set! They can't just wander the halls to go to a communal one. And running water is good for all sorts of reasons. The sink IN the bathroom is not so crucial... it is only somewhat useful and causes a lot of back-ups for kids needing the toilet. If there is one in the room, you are good. And we didn't have a staff bathroom for a long time- they built one, tapping into the plumbing of the kitchen. Hang in! Kathleen

  4. Great idea, to put all of your classroom design tips in one spot! I enjoyed looking through them and found some ideas to use myself. Thanks for linking up!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

    1. So glad that you found something. See you next month. Kathleen

  5. That photo of your girls is the BEST. I have a soon to be 14-year-old son and an 8-year-old daughter, and I'm a little sniffly sometimes just thinking about how fast they're growing up. I loved your classroom tour! I think I need to ask my husband to make me a bench like that.
    Laughter and Consistency
