Monday, July 10, 2017

Busy in Bloggy Land

Happy Monday! Linking up today with Fourth Grade Frolics for a little recap on what I made in the last three days. It's been rather Hi-ho, hi-ho, off to work I go... but not with a shovel and a pick and a rhubarb stick... those are the words to that song, right? That's what we sang as kids, I know.

I've been working non-stop in bloggy land. Now, Monday morning, I have this to show for it.

I made a classroom tour movie. It was a bigger challenge than movies I've made in the past because I used a new format and did clipping, freeze frames, labels and voice overs within video footage. Not really difficult, but it took some new learning... and toooo much time. It is also nerve wracking putting yourself out there in a video singing and dancing... well, not dancing...

I started a YouTube channel... well, I should say a NEW YouTube Channel. I have one under my own name, but I've decided that one is going to be for mostly unlisted, by invitation only videos for my friends and classroom parents.  It has two that will remain public– my HUE animation projects. They're linked to HUE and I don't want to mess them up. My new channel is Kidpeople Classroom, and it is where I'll share videos for teachers. I don't think I'll do this a lot... snort... but it is good to have. It, too, was a bigger than it could have been challenge because I thought about branding and put up a banner and stuff that the other channel doesn't have. 

I made a classroom design hub, so to speak. It is one post with all the links to other posts I've done about elements of the classroom– flexible seating, display, set up... you get the idea. I will keep this post updated with links to new classroom design posts as I write them.

This is actually the beginning of a "Page" on my blog. Right now I have an "Other Stuff" page that is going to go. When I first set up the blog I thought I'd want to write about non-teaching stuff. And I do, but usually just in regular posts. My "Other Stuff" page has become a recipe for chocolate cake... yep, ONE recipe. It is for a very GOOD chocolate cake and it has nice photos, but it should not be a whole Page. So I will rewrite that and post it... maybe as a Monday Made It in a couple weeks. And then "Other Stuff" will become "Classroom Design." I have a lot more to say about that subject.

But where IS all this stuff I've done? Just scroll back up to

• Click on #1 and get to the video with some background that might help make it more useful.
• Click on #2 and go directly to the video on the new YouTube channel.
• Click on #3 and go to the Classroom Design Hub.
• Aaaaand, click on Monday Made It at the very top when you're all done to find what other teachers have been making. Thanks to Tara and this week's host for one of my favorite linky parties.

See you again tomorrow for Teacher Book Talk Tuesday... if you have a book you'd like to share, link up with me for this summer book review series. Click on it below to go to last week's reviews.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You have been busy! Making videos is no easy task. Especially with all those effects! Way to go! I'm excited to check out your classroom tour! Thanks for linking up :-)

    1. Well, you otta know... you have some great videos yourself. I love your stuff. See ya. Kathleen

  2. I always enjoy visiting your blog!

  3. Sounds like you were super busy this week! I don't even know where to begin when it comes to making videos.

    1. I know where to begin... I just don't always know where I'll end up :P Kathleen
