Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Money is Money!

Happy Show and Tell Tuesday! Today I'm going to share two things... well, actually two similar things... so really one... but who's splitting hairs. Thanks to Stephanie for the linky!

We have a friend who is a financial planner. He sometimes shares advice, and one of his regular quotes is, "Money is money." That's his way of saying make it and save it when you can because even small amounts add up.

I think of him as I share info on two money making programs– Ziggedy and EBates. I use both of them because they are so darn easy and they do help put real money in your pocket. Ziggedy is a program that helps teachers raise money for their classroom. Every time I shop online a little Ziggedy reminder pops up when the store site is part of their program. I click the button, then shop, and then a small percentage of my total purchase amount goes into my account. I get a check every quarter. This program is only for teachers, and the money is to be spent on the classroom, but what you actually buy for the classroom is up to you.

You can ask parents and others to sign up to support your classroom but you don't have to. If you do, when they shop a small amount of their purchase amount goes into your account. I don't have a lot of supporters- a few parents and a couple close friends. I have been doing the program less than two years. I have received just over $100. I bought some iPad covers and am about to buy an external microphone for recording with the kiddos. Not grand, but appreciated.

EBates works the same way, but you don't need to be a teacher. Anyone can sign up and usually get between 1 - 6% of the amount of purchase. I have been participating with EBates for less time, but because they give you a ten dollar bonus when you sign up, I got a small check even starting the first quarter.

Ziggedy and EBates get the money they pass on to you by charging the participating companies a referral fee. I have yet to run into any kind of hassle with either program. No excessive amounts of emails or reminders, or anything. And you don't have to hustle or sell anything. You just get small checks for the shopping that you'd do anyway.

You can check out either program by clicking on the Ziggedy or EBates buttons in my sidebar to the right. I don't do advertising on the blog– maybe I'll change my mind in the future but I really can't stand to run into advertising when I'm reading. I don't begrudge people who write good content some compensation, I just find the advertising annoying to look at. I would be remiss not to share something that has worked for me, though. If you don't want to click on the buttons, which will give me five bucks if you join up, then that is alright, too. But do google and check them out... unless you don't do ANY online shopping, or you don't need ANYTHING for your classroom, it behooves you to know about them. And remember you don't have to be a teacher to participate in EBates.

Money is money, after all.

Now click on back to Forever in Fifth Grade for more Shows and Tells.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I don't do a ton of online shopping, except at Christmas, but I'll check out Ziggedy and see what it's all about. Thanks for linking up!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

    1. Glad to hear... I didn't put this in the post... should add... that the best time to share the Ziggedy program and link with parents seems to be at the start of the year. My school puts a wish list together for the very first meet and greet. I don't ask for kleenex and tape (which I am particular about anyway) I just ask them to sign up. See you later. Kathleen

  2. I will have to check out Ziggedy and try to get my parents involved to get money for my classroom! I love ebates too!

    1. If you decide not to start now, you might want to catch parents when they first come on board in the fall. A couple clicks and they are supporting! Thanks for stopping by.
