Monday, August 8, 2016

Limited Time Target Funding

Well, this is a slightly odd Monday Made It, but I think I need to spread the word. Thanks, Tara for your special Monday Made It linky!

I wrote a Donor's Choose request last week on August 1. I got notice that Target was doing some special project funding... for the life of me I can't find that email and don't remember if it was from Target or Donor's Choose or an educational site I follow. There were specific guidelines for requesting Target money, but in a nutshell, Target is interested in funding projects that promote health and nutrition for kids.

I have been after Kore Wobble Chairs for several years now. I know five year olds need to move to learn, even when they are doing seated activities. Flexible seating is a truly wonderful concept and one that I believe in and have been doing in various ways for a loooong time. You can see one of my very earliest posts from this blog from years ago about how we do standing centers. Click on the photos below if you are interested.


I wanted Wobble Chairs but quite simply didn't have the funds to purchase six for a small group's worth, so I applied to Donor's Choose and Target. And. I. got. it!!!! Full funding from Target in only four days! Whoot! Here are the chairs that will arrive in a few weeks!  Six of them!

Wobble Seats have a slightly curved ergonomic base to allow kids to wiggle back and forth a bit, yet they are tip proof. They not only allow kids appropriate movement, which so many kids need to stay focused, they also strengthen core muscles while kids sit on them. Click on the image above to read more about all the ways they are good for kids... well, and grown-ups, too, as they come in many sizes.

Another small bonus to me as a teacher as I set up my space, is that they take up less room in the room and allow for better traffic flow as kids go about their daily activities... so important as my new classroom is smaller and kids need space for all sorts of movement, even just getting around the classroom! 

So, no, I didn't make the Wobble Chair, but I did write the proposal. And Donor's Choose and Target did  Make. My. Day!!  Yippee! As Nacho says:

It you've never made a proposal through Donors Choose you may be curious as to how much effort it is. First of all, DC has really made it as easy as can be, keeping teachers' busy lives in mind. You'll need to complete background info on your student population– leaving off specifics like school name. Then you'll write why the items/project will benefit your students and how you're going to put it into action with your class. And you then "shop" for the items right from the DC site. You can post the project to your social media and share with parents and friends. The more you get the word out, the faster and more likely you'll be funded. When your project reaches it dollar goal DC will let you know. There are various ways you and your class will thank the donors. Your items will arrive in the mail. It does take effort, but so worth that effort when you see the project benefitting your students. Everything is very clearly laid out on the DonorsChoose site, complete with examples of what other teachers have done. It is hard to go wrong.

I hope your wheels have been turning as you've read this post and you've come up with ways you could help your kids live healthier lives through movement and nutrition. Target wants to hear your ideas. You can always write a proposal to Donors Choose for anything, but the Target healthy funding is only available for a limited time. So, make your fingers run, not walk, to the Donor's Choose site by clicking below and check out the Target funding. When you go to Donor's Choose you'll see the Target banner across the top. Click on the Get Started button and you're off!! They are funding 5 Million Dollars in projects! Good luck to you and your project!!

Thanks, Donor's Choose! Thanks, Target! Target is great... but then you already knew that... you're a teacher!! 

Click on over the Tara's Fourth Grade Frolics and find lots more Monday Made Its!

Happy, happy Monday! See you next time!

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