Monday, August 1, 2016

Night Before School Wishing Star

Well, some of you are back at school, some of you are going back soon, and some of you have a month or so to go. No matter where you are in the going back process, most teachers' minds are on school as August begins. Mine sure is. I am really excited about a new Night Before School present I'm going to give to my incoming students. I happily share it for the first time through Monday Made It, because, well, it is Monday, and I did make it... well, actually I didn't make it, but my partner in crime life, otherwise known as my DH Jonathan did. The concept and poem came right out of my own little brain, though, and I think my new little kiddos are gonna love it!!! Whoot! I hope you do, too. This is what my students are going to get.

I will include a glow-in-the-dark star like this.

Glow-in-the-dark stars can be found inexpensively in most toy departments and they can also be found on Amazon, of course. I especially like this pack below because they really glow and they come with the poster putty to make them stick to ceilings and walls, so you can include a bit when you give a star to your students. Click on the picture to check them out.

I wrote a letter to my students that goes in the envelope with the star so parents can read about what to do. Here is my letter for you to use as an example if you choose.

I am going to seal it all up and write this little message on the envelope.

I'll send home the envelope in the packet of stuff that goes home to kindergarten parents before school starts. Won't the littles be surprised and happy when they get the envelope especially for them!

Now the best part– the poem and letter sample are freebies on my TPT store. I was so happy with Jonathan's star design on the little cards that I had to share it. The star poem comes in color and in black and white in case you want to save ink. You can download it by clicking on the picture.

Well, I am back to school today to work in my new classroom some more. I have been there all summer. I sure do have a lot of stuff! I am coming up with a few new storage ideas, though, which I'll share in later posts, so stop back, especially if you are interested in space saving ideas.

Scootch on over to Monday Made It now and see what teachers have been up to. I always find new ideas for both classroom and home when I peruse the blog posts. Thanks, Tara, for this great weekly linky.

Thanks for stopping by and do tell me what you think of the Wishing Star idea below in the comments. Also, please PIN!


  1. Goodness..that is a CUTE idea!! I'll be picking up some glow in the dark stars. Thank you!

  2. What a cute idea! I've done the Magic Confetti in the past but this is much less messy, something I'm sure the parents will appreciate!

    1. Yep, I'm with you on the messy... one of the reasons I come up with something different... that, and because I had a package of glowing stars on my dresser that I noticed every night when the lights went out... doesn't every teacher have glowing stars somewhere in their bedroom :P

  3. That is the most adorable thing ever! Your students are so lucky to have you :) Glad to see your posts again!

    1. Thanks. I've been living at school with this classroom move... I just had to make time to do this project and post it! So glad you like it. See you around. Kathleen

  4. I am so going to do this. It is very simple and doesn't cost much to put together.
    Thank you!

    1. Easy and cheap are good things for teachers... especially when you consider the cute, happy, little faces when they open it and make their wish– hee!


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