Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August Pick 3 Pins!

I used to love Pinterest. For some dumb reason it appears they have changed the dimensions of the board covers. I spent a good deal of time creating board covers, and now you only see half of the image. And when you click on the board, you don't see the board cover at all. The whole layout has become too white and sterile. I want them to change. it. back. UGH. I was so bummed out I almost didn't do the Pick 3 Pin Linky. I guess I'll just get on with it. sigh.

I always find August a bit frantic and sad as I delve into school prep and get ready to say goodbye to summer. sniff. It is exciting, too, to anticipate the kids, but that comes later in the month for me. How about you? The best thing for me to do is to find some fun student projects that both I and the kids will be excited about when school begins.

I think we don't give enough credit to the learning power of hands-on creating of "stuff." There are many simple techniques that even kindergartners can learn to do. It helps differentiate instruction and helps us teach to all the different smarts that kids have so the brain grows in all sorts of ways. And what kids can't use some fine motor practice as they cut, glue, paint, draw. It seems for most teachers there is a bit of leeway with time at the start of the year as we ease kids into routines, and that can allow for some extra fun crafting. I have been pinning ideas that kids can do with minimal instruction and prep, but maximal learning. Many you've seen before– this is just a reminder. Here we go!

This is an oldie but goodie. Ask your friends to donate a few of their magazine- I pull out whole pages of faces so kids don't bump into any unacceptable ads or articles in adult rags. I get out the scissors, glue sponges and mirrors and let them go at it. Mirrors? Sure. Help kids focus on their own face while they cut and paste facial features to make their self-portraits. What can be better at the beginning of the school year than that. This pin is part of a big list of 29 crafts so you'll find lots there.


I love this idea with part of the picture being hidden in the fold and I think kids will, too, It can be applied to other things than arms and teeth.. though these sure are cute. I will do the folding ahead of time before I give the kiddos the paper.


How fun is this? Gather lids for the rest of the summer. Then all it takes is glue, food coloring and toothpicks. When completely dry it makes a great suncatcher to catch the last rays of summer. Directions are on the site.  

4.  Bonus...

Okay, can't get simpler.  Just remember to add pipe cleaners and google eyes to the playdough... in fact, just scatter google eyes all around the classroom... the kiddos will find ways to use them. You remember that ad when that adorable second grade teacher said you can't have too much glitter? Well, in my classroom we can't have too many google eyes.

5. And one. last. idea. For this one YOU need to be crafty, but I think it will make the cutest display.

Won't student work look great out in the hall? It will be a bit of teacher effort to make, but if it is up all year I think it will be worth it. I think I'll prep the bodies before school starts then add photos of student heads to my list of first day photos to take during recess. 

And one. more. thing. Did you see my Night Before School Wishing Star teacher gift for students? I think you'll like it, and the wish and card are free! Just add the star. Click here.

For more ideas for all SORTS of things, follow me on Pinterest... gotta LOVE Pinterest... well, like Pinterest... maybe I'll go back to love when they undo the board view issue!

Special thanks to Marissa at Inspired Owl's Corner, Lisa at Pawsitively Learning, and Ashley at Just Reed. They host this very popular linky party where you can find so many terrific ideas!

Now back to school planning!!!


  1. Painting in glue? That's an amazing idea. I like to give my students play dough on the first day. Perhaps adding some googly eyes and pipe cleaners isn't a bad idea!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. I love the play-doh monsters! My kiddos would love that!
    Fun in ECSE

  3. I love your fun, crafty pins! The kids would have so much fun with these! Thank you for sharing and linking up with us! :)

  4. I just love that idea for displaying student work! Thanks for sharing and linking up with us!

  5. Those are all so cute I can't even stand it! I love the expanding hug!

  6. Thanks for sharing such creative pins. I'm sure the kids will love them!

  7. I love the magazine art idea! I will definitely be using that!
