Saturday, May 28, 2016

HUE Tip Sheet, Giveaway, and Tidbits

Happy Friday, and for many of you, Happy Summer. Me, well, I still have three weeks to go. I am here today to link with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching and Five for Friday to share in an animated way five fun things, AND the Downloadable HUE Tip Sheet, AND a chance to win a HUE Animation Studio... read on!

1.  Don't you just love reading what your kiddos write? Hearing their voice come out in the writing makes me grin all over. Each year I have my students write a thank you note to our group of parent helpers. I take their letters and run them through the copier, then use comb binding to form a book for each parent. This year we were under a deadline because of a schoolwide appreciation assembly and I had to hurry them along, even giving them a form. I wasn't sure if I'd get as much good stuff as usual. I did though– this was my favorite because it sounds just like her:

"Thank you for helping us learn in the Let's Find Out books, and helping us at library, and reading books. I love working with you guys. I love you. Fondly, Erin  p.s. How are you doing?"

2.  I am a lead teacher in our building. That means whenever our principal is out of school, "issues" fall to me or the other lead teacher. You know the "issues" I'm talking about... those notorious, short, two legged ones who shall remain nameless but who we could call "little stinkers." Well, yesterday both the principal and the other lead teacher where out, so I was it.... and as I mentioned we are in the last. three. weeks. of school.

Let me suffice by saying the day started with a monkey flying out the bus window... honest, I'm not making it up... it wasn't a live monkey though... and ended with an email home to parents where I suggested some good old fashioned father-son bear cub wrestling after dinner so the needed rough and tumble play could happen at home instead of school. From beginning to end it was a very interesting day, including school tours... and short staffing at lunchtime...and... I marveled on the way home that I could still even toy with the idea of being a principal in some distant time and place. If that should ever happen, maybe the best plan would be to be out the last few weeks of the school year and dodge end-of-year madness all together....

3.  And now for a mid-blog relaxation smile break. I just love this. Book me a ticket, please.

4.  As regular readers know, I am a sometimes storyteller and I love puppets. I found this video on YouTube of the most cleverly made puppet. You need to follow this young man because he is going places... and when his puppets come on the market, which there are sure to do at some point, I will be first in line. He has quite a few animated vides, some of which are quite funny, so you might want to check out his channel.

5.  And speaking of videos and animation... note that clever segue... I have the Tip Sheet for doing HUE animations with students DONE! And it's FREE!  And you can download it right after you enter the GIVEAWAY for the HUE Animation Studio HERE!!!!  The Animation Studio comes with the camera, the software, the nifty instruction book, and everything you need.  Get one try by following me, and one try by following my friend Stephanie at Forever in Fifth Grade. Small print- due to HUE shipping restrictions, the Studio Animation can only be sent to addresses in the US. 


In case you're curious about what you can do with the HUE Animation Studio, here are two animated videos that I made with my kindergarten students. They are just seconds long.

Is it difficult? Does it take a long time? Can MY students do it? You probably have these questions and more. To find some answers, check out last week's post HERE!

AND download the tip sheet I made up just to help you create your own animations... after you win the studio... or after you purchase your own... which are about $70. Well worth the price for the HD document camera and the animation kit.  Click on image to download the Tip Sheet.

Oh, I hope, hope, hope a person who is going to get as much fun out of the kit as my kiddos and I have done WINS!!

Scoot on back to Kacey for more FIVES!! 

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. That puppet is amazing! If you are first in line, I'm second! I entered the Rafflecopter giveaway, but wasn't sure where to leave my email, so here it is:
    Joyce Oberg
    1st Grade Pandamania
    1st Grade Pandamania Blog

  2. "PS: How are you doing?"...too cute! Also, I LOLed at the "father-son bear cub wrestling" suggestion!

    1. I don't know if that was proper "principal speak," but I know the family and boys well :) And their evening sessions are helping the little guy stay on target :) Thanks for stopping by Marianna! Kathleen

  3. Wow, the videos are just too cute! I may be teaching STEM to first and second graders next year- in addition to third thru fifth so this would be great to try with the little ones! (And the big kids!) Thanks for the contest!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol! STEM, or as we call it in my district, STEAM, adding Arts, is the way to go. Project based learning is not new, though in vogue again, and it a great way to teach. The new technology just makes it more fun! I know that camera will be put to good use if you get it! See you later. Kathleen

  4. Wow! This is really amazing! Thank you for the opportunity! I don't think I was able to leave my email on Bloglovin', but included it in the Rafflecopter. :)
