Sunday, April 3, 2016

Hats, Hats, Tree Pins and a WINNER!

Everyone looking forward to April? I am. We start the month with a break, and then Spring comes breezing in with all it's blooming splendor. Yippee! Here are three pins I'm going to use this month and thanks to the pin pals Marissa at the Inspired Owl's Corner and Lisa at Pawsitively Teaching for the linky party– one of my favs!

Aren't these hats adorable? I love making hats with the kids and we do it quite a few times during the year. This one comes from a recycled paper bag and the directions are in the video. Doing it!

Such a cute learning idea. I'm saving this one for the week of Earth Day when we read The Lorax. The kiddos will get good cutting practice creating the tree tops and it ties right into our word family practice.  

Yes, another hat. I told you I like them. And you know, testing season is right around the corner... what do hats have to do with testing? After we do a testing session we run back to the run to counterbalance the badness by doing something really fun and creative, and oftentimes that is hat making. (No, I don't tell the kids the "computer activities" are bad. They just like doing fun stuff anytime.) What could be sillier than this monster hat where you just add google eyes and anything goes?? I love little monsters and we have fun with all sorts of monster stuff in the classroom. And if you want to give it a spring theme, just make those 3D bouncing doodads on top flowers! Check out my monster board while you're there though, cause there are lots of neat ideas!

And now...

dum dada dum!  (That's some big drum bangs....) the winner of the blog giveaway of the book Hammer and Nails is Michelle M.  Michelle should look for her copy of the book, courtesy of Flashlight Press, in her mailbox soon.

Adn don't forget, more giveaways coming up in the next few weeks- a Hue camera/animation kit and a great "see thru" book from Usborne. Follow so you're in the know!

Click away to find more great Pins. 


  1. Love your ideas for this month! Thanks for linking up and sharing such great ideas!

    1. The thanks go right back at ya... love this linky. Will be carving out time later to visit all the links! Kathleen

  2. Cute hat crafts! I really like the monster one. Thanks for sharing!

    Luv My Kinders

  3. The monster headband is adorable!

    1. Glad you like it!! Hope your kids do, too. See ya. Kathleen

  4. I love the Truffle Tree word families! So adorable, and a great tie in for Earth Day! Thank you for sharing your pins and always linking up with us Kathleen! :)

    1. Oh, I'm happy to link. The blog posts always have good ideas and I cruise back to read them over several sessions. See you next time. Kathleen

  5. The monster headband is kids would have a lot of fun with that!

    1. Great- out comes the construction paper :) Thanks for stopping by. Kathleen


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