Saturday, April 30, 2016

Currently Five for May Giveaway!

Happy Five for Friday and Happy May! This post is all mixed up because I'm late for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching and early for Currently with Farley. This post is funny because, well, kids are funny. This post is lucky for at least one reader! And this post is short, because it's mostly pictures. Read on!!

1.   Okay, so perhaps these are the stupidest weeks of the year to be doing giveaways– I am busy with a million things at school including my own evaluation, so it's hard for me to post. And all the teachers in the country are in some sort of end-of-year mode, having on average three to eight weeks of school left. Yet here I am with a book giveaway!  So if you are reading this right now you are VERY lucky. You have a very good chance of winning a special kids' book on gardening- one that has see through pages for added surprises. You can read about it by clicking on the picture, and enter the giveaway by entering below that! You don't have to be a NEW follower! Any of you who follow via Bloglovin or email can enter– I'll find your name! Just enter! And be quick about it as it close Sunday night!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

AND MORE! As of Monday you'll have good chances of winning a TPT gift certificate as I join in with some Michigan Bloggers to throw a little love around for Teacher Appreciation Week! See, you couldn't be reading at a better time. COME BACK MONDAY!

2.  As the kiddos got out the sand toys this week they also managed to rediscover the periscope and had some fun with it...

I SEE you...
I see YOU...
NO, I see you...
I see you, TOO!
And so it went back and forth even as I grabbed the shot. Look at her little hand in there waving... aw...

3.   This took place as I was snapping the periscope picture.

   Kid, pulling on my coattail:  "Mrs. Wright, is that the Wicked Witch?"
   Me: "What?"
   Kids:  "There!"
   Me:  "Don't be silly... of course not... go play..."
   My camera was already in hand so I got her in the nick of time. You decide for yourself...

And your little dog, too!!

You can see why they asked, right?

What WAS our school neighbor wearing anyway??

4.  YES pool noodles come in curly cues! Don't know what, don't know how, but do know I'm going to use these in some great way...


5.  Ta-Da Currently!
As to that last truth... sniff.

Now click on back to the party... er, parties, depending on when you read this.  I'll see you MONDAY, too, remember? For the TPT certificate giveaway! And I'll let you know when you win the book Monday morning... you DID enter, didn't you??

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is the time of year that anxiety rules...I fall victim to the same thing. One day at a time! Enjoy the time with your daughter!

  2. I'm absolutely agree with your "needing"! My admin is trying to squeeze in everyone's observations before a possible strike, and the atmosphere is very tense!! Have a great week!

    The Designer Teacher

    1. Oh, man. I hate the word strike! It isn't good for anyone, even when it is necessary. I hope all goes much better than any of you are anticipating! Hang in! Kathleen

  3. Good luck with your evaluation! The end of the year is a tough one. By the way, your school neighbor does look like the Wicked Witch!
    Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with the curly noodles. Have you seen the noodle "log cabin" on Pinterest? Many, many uses for noodles!

    1. I love pool noodles, especially as they are available at the dollar store! Thanks for stopping by! Kathleen

  5. Hi Kathleen - it's so sad that it's the last Currently as it was always a great place to meet and say Hi to new teaching blogs across the world. Well done on doing a Give-away at such a busy time over there for you all. In England, schools break up mid July so just now it's not so hectic :) Curly pool noodles look great and of course would be so easy to slip up over arms to help with buoyancy in the pool and as for the Wicked Witch I'm surprised you didn't have a mass stampede inside - I felt chills come over me when I saw the photo you snapped!! Sending all my best wishes to you :)
    Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Hi there. Thanks for stopping by with all your good vibes! Sorry you can't sign up for the current HUE camera giveaway... they won't ship out of the country. But look for more book giveaways because they could come your way. Kathleen
