Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pick 3– Student DIY, Slides, Storage

Pick Three Pins is such a favorite link up of mine that I'm going to post even though I am presenting at our start-of-school PD today, doing Work & Mingle Night tonight, prepping for the arrival of students in five days, and am only nine days away from my daughter's move to the other side of the country. to live. NOT forever... please Lord above...  Some weeks in life are just FULL to bursting.

Thanks to Lisa and Marissa from Pawsitively Learning and Inspired Owl's Corner for this monthly link up. So many ideas to find! These are some Pin ideas I will use soon.

Thought this little student DIY idea was a good one. I send parent reminders home in various ways, but letting students make the reminder themselves and taping it into a bracelet is not something I've tried.. but I'm gonna. As long as supplies are at the ready there is no reason they can't do it themselves, and maybe they'll be more likely to remember, too. This idea comes from Mama Miss.

Deb over at Not-Very-Fancy made these Monster How-to slide templates. She uses them for her Meet the Teacher Night when there are things she wants families to do. But I downloaded the FREE template just to have to make whatever how-tos I need to. I love when there is a simple multi-use freebie to be had. Thanks, Deb.

I do various games and activities with cups. They are easy to make and the kids like them. Storage is a bit of an issue though, as the stacked towers fall down and don't fit in ziplocs too well. Ta-da– a cute, easy solution. I'll ask parents for Pringles cans this fall. This idea is from Hodges Herald.

Click to see lots more ideas on my Teacher Tips board on Pinterest.  

Now click on back to the Pick 3 Pins linky party to find more.

Hope your school start goes/ is going well!  Thanks for stopping by!