Saturday, January 3, 2015

January Pick 3 Pins Linky

Oh, happy January! I'm gearing up for the month, and doing it in a terrific way– with the January Pinterest Pin 3 Linky. This is sponsored by Marissa at Inspired Owl's Corner and Lisa at PAWsitively Teaching.

I found so many good ideas last time that I've looked forward to this post AND reading everyone else's posts all month. All of my three pin picks are for activities we'll do in the classroom this month.

January is snow month for kidpeople kindergarten. I know many teachers in the northern states do snow throughout December. Although we talk about snow a bit as we anticipate its arrival, December is often snowless, so we don't jump into the snow theme then. Better to save it until we actually have snow, and kids are excited about it. As I write this in the first days of January we STILL don't have any snow, but it is simply not possible to have a snowless January, surely! I'll be ready!

For my first Pick I'm going to choose...

Click to go to The Very Hungry Preschoolers

an indoor snow idea! The kids love playing out in the snow and we'll do that as much as time and temps allow, but this will be a great indoor activity to extend snow exploration. I've taken food color paint outside most winters, but I've never used our watercolor sets this way before. It will be good for the kiddos to experiment using snow instead of water to make our paints work. It's also a relatively low effort paint set up for me, too– a bonus.

I've been selectively collecting snow ideas for weeks now on my Snow, Snow, Glorious Snow Pin Board. It includes crafts, art techniques, fine motor activities, science experiments, math connections, books, cooking and fun snack ideas, games, songs, videos... EVERYTHING snow! And if you don't get snow where you live, just make your own from directions on this board. Find fun for all by clicking on the board below.

For my second Pick I choose...

Click to hear this Teacher Tipster tip

Mr. Smith! I love this goofy man and his Teacher Tipster blog. Lots of good ideas here. The reason I'm choosing his Hallway Song as a Pick this month is because I'm gearing up for the transition back to school behaviors next week. Two weeks at home is enough time for our little short people to sort of "forget" classroom expectations. I've known the Hallway Song for a couple years now– as many of you know I love singing in the classroom– but I don't think I've sung it at all this year. Next week will be the perfect time to teach it. It's a fun way to remind kids that quiet hallway behavior is our goal.

I've flicked over my Behavior Tips Pin Board in the last couple days to refresh myself in the ways of the kiddos. You can't have too many tricks up your sleeve to keep the classroom running smoothly. You can find it by clicking on the pic below.

And for my third Pick I choose

Click to go to Laura's post on Luv My Kinders
an anchor chart for teaching digraphs! My friend Laura posted this anchor chart, and one for the 'th' sound a month ago and I loved her post. The kidpeople and I have covered these digraphs before, but this chart will help anchor their learning. I especially like Laura's design and I'm going to "steal" her idea for the good of the munchkins.

Laura's charts are on my Words/Letters Pin Board. My Reading and Writing Boards were getting crowded so I decided to start sorting them more specifically. Click below.

This has been a fun post... Jonathan just threw together a graphic of my mumblings as I work here- HEE!

That won't stop me from clicking and pinning more from all the posts below though!!!

Thanks Marissa and Lisa!


  1. Love your ideas! And I love that picture of doing EVERY pin on EVERY board! LOL

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I chuckled when he put it together as I looked over so many great pins on my board, knowing I could never do them all... better to have too many than not enough, I guess. Kathleen

  2. Totally love Mr. Smith - and your bucket list wish (can totally relate - so many pins so little time)! Happy New Year!

    1. Mr. Smith was one of the first bloggers I followed. I'm attacking someof those pin ideas right now :) Kathleen

  3. I love the watercolor snow idea...the kids would have so much fun! Thanks for sharing and linking up!

  4. Thanks so much for choosing my anchor chart, you are so sweet my friend. I love the painting on the snow. So cool! If only we snow in our area to do that. Love your bucket list graphic, that would be pretty awesome to be able to do that. Your hubby rocks!

    Luv My Kinders

    1. You are so welcome, Laura. I hope that bucket thing takes off!! Seems appropriate for lots of pinners. Pin, pin, pin :) Kathleen

  5. Great ideas! Thank you for sharing!
    Palma (from KFUNdamentals)

  6. Love you pins! You are so smart to be thinking ahead about the behaviors! I need to do that first thing Tuesday morning! Thank you so much for sharing and linking up with us! :)

    1. Nice you have a shorter week by going back on Tuesday. We usually do breaks by the whole weeks. And thanks so much for the linky. I look forward to next month! Kathleen

  7. I love your Pinterest bucket list pic! I feel that same way, but I think it would take me years of doing nothing but the things I've pinned -lol!

    1. Hi Kelly, Feel free to nab that little pic- I'm going to put it up by my desk :) Thanks for stopping by. Kathleen
