Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Linking with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade to capture this moment in time.

You are not suppose to be in the doldrums at the start of the new year and while on break, but in a nutshell, that's where I am. Anybody else out there in the same spot? I'll kick my butt around a bit before I post again tomorrow.

Wishing you health, wealth, love and cheer in this coming new year!

Click here to see what others are up to with Farley.

The post Happy New Year! first appeared on


  1. Motivation is such an elusive thing. Sometimes it strikes at the most inconvenient times and sometimes not at all. Sometimes you just need to start with 20 minutes of the thing you need to do (for me: cleaning) and before you know it, you are on a roll. Happy New Year! I hope you find your way out of the doldrums!!
    On the Go Teacher Mama

    1. Hi Suzy. Yes I know this twenty minute trick and it's a good one... I think I've been putting off because I'm on "break." It won't be a break though if I go back as crazed as before :) See you around. Kathleen

  2. Amen to many of those goals. Amen. Also I just looked up your Mo Willems author study post. Adorable! I love Mo. We've made "There is a Bird on Your Head" hats. And Piggie and Elephant masks (sort of ... no eye holes as they are just pink and blue paper plates but they are adorable!). And we have a dance party putting the website up on the screen and trying to follow Piggie and Elephant.

    1. Yes, Mo is the best. And his characters are so doable and fun to draw- my guys love them all. It didn't occur to me until just now in your comment, but the pigeon hats could become "Bird on Your Head" hats if we started with pigeon and moved to elephant and piggie books... See you later. Kathleen

  3. Hey, fellow MIchigander! Isn't break the best? I too have tons of projects. The homes ones are getting done, but not so much at school. Maybe today or tomorrow. This is my first post of the new year; I didn't write at all in December, so you are doing better than I am. Have a great new year!
    Kovescence of the Mind

    1. Hi Sarah. I've really been putting posting off, but I HOPE to post tomorrow and Saturday too... fits and starts for me! Hang in. Kathleen

  4. Amen to being more time efficient. Sometimes I just feel like I am spinning my wheels. I also need that motivation, in more than one area, I might add. So many times its the getting started that is the hardest. Once the ball is rolling it just always seems so much easier. Good luck with your health plan, my Yes as well.

    Luv My Kinders

  5. Thanks Laura. The deadline of back on Monday is moving me along :) Kathleen
