Thursday, July 3, 2014

Funny Kid Friday- Mick Jagger

Yippee, yippee, it's Funny Kid Friday!

I LOVE telling these stories. It is happy walks down memory lane to remember so many of my kids. And this week I tell a dad story. This particular great dad passed away sadly several years ago, years before his time, but I remember him fondly and his little one, too, who is now pretty much grown up.

A long time ago, when I was a bit newer to my chosen profession, I had a tousle haired moppet in my charge who was delightful, creative, precocious, and, well... a stinker. I learned as much from her as she did from me!

One day in particular she spent much of the day pushing limits. I saw her dad as the kids were heading home, and tying to keep an upbeat tone, I reported the general drift of his daughter's behavior and the consequences that ensued. This was not the first time Dad had heard about days like this. He just shook his head and looking at his daughter, said, "It's just like the great child psychologist Mick Jagger always says, 'You can't always get what you want!'
"You can't always get what you want..."
Years later, there are still days in class when I hum this little tune to myself and think, humor goes a lonnnng way... hmmm, it just occurs to me now that maybe I should add this one to our morning sing-a-song!

YOUR turn!  Grab the button up there, put it in your funny (or otherwise) kid story, and then click on the link-it button below so we can easily find each others' stories. The link-up service will tell you just what to do. Come on, you know you've got one for the telling!

And if you're not a blogger or a teacher, add to the comments below or my facebook page with a click on this:
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Also, Jonathan added a new tab up there on the top of the page so you can easily get to the Funny Kid Friday archives here on the blog. Enjoy!


  1. What a stitch--so true! Thanks for sharing this great story... :0)

