Thursday, July 10, 2014

Funny Kid Friday- Honk, Honk!

It's time for...

Are any of you taking a road trip this summer? Yes? Good. That reminds me of a story... 

I have these nifty steering wheels in the classroom. I don't know what kind of vehicle they came off of as they are rather small, but they are just the right size for the kinders. The kids love getting them out to take all sorts of fanciful trips. 

One day the topic for imaginative play was a field trip we had taken earlier in the week. The kids lined up some chairs to form the "bus" with kids sitting in rows, and the driver sat in the front with the steering wheel. I was only half listening, but they were indeed acting out how we had been caught in a bit of a traffic jam while on the road.

A minute or two later the "bus driver" started honking his horn and yelling out the "window" right over the noise of the classroom, "What'cha doin' up there, Mister? Pickin' your nose?"

Hmm... I somehow missed that part of our trip...  Parents beware– somebody is always listening!

Now share your story by dragging the Funny Kid Friday button from the top of this post to your post and add the link back.  Then click on the linky button right down there and it will walk you through the steps so your thumbnail appears here. OR leave your story in the comments or on Facebook! I'm looking forward to your chuckle!


  1. Yes, when kids are around, SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS LISTENING! ;-D Cute. ;)

    1. Hee! I told this story to the little guy's dad and he cracked up... admitting that indeed that was something he said when his kids were in the car :) Thanks for commenting AND linking up! (p.s. See my general comment below)

  2. That is a GREAT story! Aren't you glad you are listening?! We would miss so much!
    Happy Friday!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Oh, you are SO right. I can't stand the idea of not catching what they say! It is priceless! Thanks for linking Carolyn. (p.s. See general comment below)

  3. Ha ha ha! I love it! Kids repeat EVERYTHING! Parents beware is right! :)

    1. Hi Racheal. Good to hear from you. See you next Friday!

  4. Hi Kathleen! I just found your blog and I think this is a fantastic idea for a linky party! I'm following you and hope to join in soon. I already posted today, so I'll just leave my story here:
    We're leaving in a few weeks for Pennsylvania. My five-year-old son was looking at a map and saw a picture of the liberty bell on PA. Later he noticed a picture of the liberty bell in one of his TV shows, and he started asking me about it, so we read a book about it. After reading the book, he declared that before we go visit the Liberty Bell we need to stop at the store and buy the things we need to fix that crack in it!
    Not very fancy

    1. Well, hello Deb. I'm so glad you found me, too. I love our funny kids and I LOVE your liberty bell story... makes perfect sense to me to fix that old bell with glue :) Thanks for sharing it and see you next time! (p.s. See comment below)

  5. Hahahahaha!!! They certainly do listen when you're not expecting them to, and they will tell on the adults in their life in a hot minute!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

    1. Yep, they tell and they don't even know they are TELLING :) Thanks for linking up Amanda! (p.s. See general comment below)

  6. This is for all my commenters and linkers: I just got back from vacation late last night. I had been checking my email via iPad all week, sad that no one commented on the post.... duh! I forget I have FOUR email addresses, and the one for the blog is not hooked up to come in automatically on iPad. If I had realized I could have gone to google and read my email that way, but alas... I AM working on getting rid of one of those addresses, and I WILL add by blog email address. Sorry for delay. LOVE that you all stopped by with stories! One of your comments has prompted me to pick a particular story for next time :) See you Friday!
