Friday, July 4, 2014

Five for Friday– Twitter, and Bargains, and Stuff

Five for Friday– Yeah! I've had Five for Friday on my mind all week. Here's random, useful (well, maybe useful) stuff to share.

1. I'm gonna be gone for a week and am trying to figure out if there are any hinderances to using an iPad to post. I am going to post something this weekend just to experiment. In fact I might post twice to see how the "scheduled posting" feature works on blogger, too... something else I've never done. Otherwise I'll be writing the Funny Kid link up early and leaving it in the hands of Mr. Jonathan... oh lucky him, oh lucky you :)

2. Something else new– I was busy Tuesday night so couldn't get to the Twitter Party hosted by Debbie Clement from Rainbows Within Reach.  #TeacherFriends
I enjoyed reading the tweets afterward though. I just recently joined Twitter, much to the amusement of my YA daughters who know ALL about it. Apparently I can only make it on Twitter if I am funny or post a bikini pic... so they've written me off... imagine. I know actually tweeting something would be a good first step :P Maybe soon... I barely use Facebook, so I don't think this will be a big thing with me, but anything once, right? Are any of the rest of you newbies like me and want to experiment? I think Debbie is doing it again on Tuesday at 9:00 EST.

3. Speaking of Twitter, you gotta see the movie Chef. Pretty good story and definitely worth the cheap tickets. It highlights Twitter in fun ways– it gets the hero in big trouble AND saves the day, too. And it has the cutest ten year old you've ever seen.

4. While doing the not-actually-tweeting-Twitter stuff with #TeacherFriends, I came across a teacher blogger who posted about her finds at Harbor Freight Tools... I have tried backtracking, and browser history, and everything else I can think of, and cannot find her now. Aarrgh! I want to thank her for the post and add a link-up to her here. If you are the person who posted about Harbor Freight, or know who did, can you please comment and let me know!

Neither Jonathan nor I had ever heard of Harbor Freight Tools, but after a quick google search we found one ten minutes down the highway. It is definitely a dad/man kinda store... more shop equipment than I had ever seen and we are frequent flyers at Lowe's... I mean hydraulic lift tables, and Star War-esque welding helmets, and a million types of little rubber tires! Jonathan could have spent the day in there.

But lo and behold, just as my mystery blogger teacher friend pointed out, there are some NEAT things for teachers. I start with the best bargain of the day! I purchased this three tier rolling cart- I have a few ideas for it in the classroom. It was $50 and with the coupon I found on line, I got it for $40! Yessss!

And I got the key fob labels which were on sale 79 cents for twelve. Again, just as the mystery blogger said, I'll find a use.

And SURPRISE I found a neat Bingo game! (How that fits in with hydraulic tables and welding helmets I don't exactly know, but I didn't question a good thing.) I've had the numbers-in-the-ball style Bingo game for several years in the classroom ever since I found it on a curb for free. There are a lot of number concepts that get practiced when playing a real game of bingo. The kids also love turning the ball, getting the number when it falls out, and putting it where it goes on the peg boards– more great learning for the "Bingo Managers" who I choose for each round. I often leave this Bingo for substitute guest teachers in case my plans for the day don't last the whole day. However, the last time a guest teacher was in the room, the little trap door on the turner broke somehow, so it was time for a new set. I decided this one was worth the $8 (a third the price of other stores) as it also came with the clear colored magnetic tokens that can be used for lots of other neat centers.

I also got some strong magnets for 50 cents and a soaker hose for home. They had flat dollies which come in handy when moving stuff around the room– I think they were $12. I have a big plastic bin bungee corded to a dolly like this at school so the weekly lunch luggers can push the lunch boxes down to the cafe each day without scratching the floors.

There was an interesting four tiered lazy susan which I know will be good for something, so I have it on my wishlist for next time. I don't remember how much that was on sale for. They had other great organization bins and boxes, too... also for next time.

The guy at the counter got a chuckle when I told him I heard about his store on a teacher blog... now, you've heard it, too. Check it out- they had some of the best prices we've seen anywhere.

5. And speaking of "dad" stores, I shared a dad story on Funny Kid Friday just now. You'll get a grin... and maybe a new song for your classroom :) Jonathan added a new tab to the top of the page so readers can get to the Funny Kid Friday archives... okay, so there are only three... more ARE coming.
Click here to read the stories and add YOURS!

Then click here to go back to Kacey's Five For Friday to hear what's goin' on with everybody!

The post Five for Friday–Twitter, and Bargains, and Stuff first appeared on


  1. Hello! I'm new to the blogging community (Literacy Loving Gals) and just found your linky on Doodle Bugs' Five for Friday. I must say, the resemblance of you compared to your blog's cute picture design is awesome! Nice designing! Oh, and you got some great deals on those purchases. I always love a bargain and coupons are a favorite, especially for school-related items. :)

    1. Thanks... yes, my husband, also my website designer ,knows my face well by now :) Nice to meet you. I checked out your blog, too. Left comments.

  2. Kathleen, I am going to TRY to get on Tuesday night, too! I was not home last Tuesday- and if I can figure it out, I will be tweeting it up with you! Can't wait now! I know NOTHING. So- there you go! Loved your post!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Hi Carolyn! I'm gonna be in Colorado with family, and only with the iPad, so I don't know if I'll make it this week on the Twitter Party, but hopefully I'll get there the following week. What is your Twitter name... handle... golly, whatever they call it... my kids would be SO laughing at me right now :P Glad they don't check the blog.. my Twitter name is KidpeopleWrite (hahahahaha) I actually got it because of some writing I'm doing elsewhere. Later...

  3. Who would have dreamed of finding great deals at Harbor Freight?! Just proves the saying that teachers can find a use for anything! :) I have a few tricky spots for organization in my room. I'll have to keep Harbor Freight in mind! Thanks for sharing!
    Selling the Sizzle

    1. Yes, tool carts- who knew? I don't think anything came in your new cool green/blue colors, though :( Thanks for note!

  4. Hi! I love your blog! Let me echo another commenter that I especially love how your picture and the picture on your banner match. You are too cute!! I had never heard of Harbor Freight before, but I looked it up and there's one close to my school. I might have to check it out. Thanks for sharing your great finds and have a great weekend!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

    1. It could be Harbor Freight is the new found teacher friend... they seem to be hidden away a bit, too, with no one having heard of them before for anything, much less teacher stuff. Glad you have one. Thanks for comment!

  5. My husband goes to Harbor Freight. I will have to tag along and check it out! Yes...the Lego movie has a lot of inside-grown-up jokes. I think you'll enjoy it, especially if you have any knowledge of legos at all! Plus the cast is awesome!

    1. Thanks for letting me know! Yes, between all the kids in my life and Jonathan I have lots of lego knowledge.. I'll have to let him twist my arm the next time we are at a Redbox :)

  6. Hey! I sometimes use my iPad to post using the official app. I find it okay for text posts and when I want to add a few images, but if you want to link the image to another site it then becomes difficult as you have to open the draft in Safari and hope you can get the link box to pop up.

    I'm also new to the Twitter thing. My next goal is to participate in one of those chats. It's just hard with the time difference sometimes (being from Australia).

    I absolutely love that bingo game! Seems a lot more fun than the usual pull the card out of a bag style! :)

    1. Thanks for the iPad tips. I'll give it a go and if need be have Jonathan do it from home. I wish I didn't have to actually publish my Friday post before enabling the linky party, because I could just then schedule the thing. Hmm...

      I hope you're following me. I would love to hear more from Down Under... Thanks for chatting-- maybe I'll catch you on Twitter!

  7. I am kinda new to Twitter as well. In the past I have only used it when hurricanes where near. I just found out about the different chats. There are a few good ones. #1to1ipadchat, #ntchat are two I found. There are chats by grade level too. Not sure when they are all "on".
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

    1. Well thanks for the info. You prompted me to do some digging. The ipadchat starts at 8 pm EST on Thursdays. The next ntchat is July 16- they are doing it twice a month over summer... don't know time. And there is one called #kindergarten... I'm finding good things just going to twitter and seeing the feed, even if it's old. I may end up never tweeting a thing, but still getting lots out of it :) Thanks for responding! I follow you and enjoy your stuff. See you around.
