Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Meet My Personal Trainer

All school year, our pooch Popeye is content to dash outside on her leash to do quick work of her "morning business."  But once summer break hits, NO WAY.  Only way business is happening is on a WALK!!!
Are we going now?


It's gotta be NOW!!!!!!!!!
When I put on my socks and sneakers, she doesn't take her eyes off me... in case I do it wrong.

And when I reach under the sink for the poop bag... YAHOO! YIPPEEEE! We happy dance all the way out the door!!!

She's so cute, and SO insistent!  But it's good for her and good for me, too.  Let's hear it for short, hairy, enthusiastic personal trainers!

Click on over to Sugar and Spice to see more things going on with the Wordless Wednesday link!

And don't forget to check back here Friday for Funny Kid Friday.  There'll be a chuckle or two!

Happy Summer!!!!

The post Meet My Personal Trainer first appeared on


  1. Replies
    1. Yea, she's a real buddy and considers herself a true member of the family. Sorry to hear you're hanging out in recovery mode. I started following you to cheer you up! Kathleen

  2. Oh my goodness, Popeye is PRECIOUS! She has waited all year for summer, too!!! :)

    1. Yes, and Her Cuteness has been waiting a long time to appear on the blog, as she didn't even snag a mention on the About Me page... hmmmf!
